Memes got me through high school


As an innocent 14-year-old, my cliche teen movie obsession was on turned on full blast. As a result, my perception of high school was completely misconstrued. “These are the best years of your life” and “appearance is the key to acceptance” was my primary mindset when it came to the most complicated, yet unpredictable four years of my life.

Although I debunked those myths with my own experiences, I do believe that high school is the most fundamental experience of becoming an adult. The majority of my elementary and middle school education occurred at Our Redeemer Lutheran School, an entirely different ecosystem than the rowdy 1,000 plus students the high school contains. A fresh face to North Platte High School scene, I had my fair share of awkward happenings. Going back and cringing at my past mistakes and ignorance is unnecessary, especially when I can recall them and see how much I’ve grown. I spent way too much time caring what people think and getting the perfect grades. Having the perfect image doesn’t mean so much to me now. What I remember the most out of high school are the enjoyable times I had not how long, I worked on my chemistry homework. My experiences as a lifeguard, a three sport athlete, and a member of a journalism team are what I value.

The most crucial attribute I’ve acquired is my ability communicate. NPHS opened my eyes to a whole new spectrum of people and perspectives. I’ve learned to be open minded and aware. Before writing for the Bulldogger, I was too spooked to make my dentist appointments. Interviewing people for newspaper articles has exposed me to having to make extended phone calls with people I hardly know. I went from speaking few words to the receptionist to chatting about how her kid contracted poison ivy on his latest field trip.

As of writing this, I will be four days away from being 18, a full fledged “grown up.” That concept is wild to me. I’ve spent the past 17 years of my life preparing for college, paying my taxes, and learning how to communicate effectively with my peers (disregard the fact that I’m still currently oblivious of how to file my taxes). College seems intimidating, but in retrospect, so did high school. At the moment, I am stuck between majors. When writing my critical inquiry in Advanced Composition, I became increasingly intrigued by philosophy and psychology and the concept of how they apply to legitimate situations. The ideology that reality, human existence, and consciousness can be viewed at so many angles captivates me.

Whichever path I choose I will be attending Concordia University Nebraska. I am so content on my university decision as I know that I’ll have invested teachers and an incredible support system. Every step of the way the Concordia admissions director, my parents, and every teacher K-12 has made my future something I have so much ambition for. I appreciate everyone who has aided me in reaching my full potential.

The unrealistic side of me wishes high school would continue. Moving away, adapting to a new environment, and making new friends are all things I, and the majority of the senior class have to cope with. I can’t hold on to the past but I can cherish it and appreciate all the friends and teachers who contributed in making it memorable.