Scholarly Individuals



Callie Davidson: “[My best teacher was] Mrs. Allen, I feel like she really prepared me for college.”




Allison Kuenle: “My hardest class was definitely anatomy and physiology! I appreciated how difficult it was though because I feel like Mr. Orcutt did a great job replicating a college course.”




Simon Lindley: “[After high school,] this fall I will be attending Colorado State University to major in Civil Engineering.”




Seth Mavigliano: “[My hardest class,] Advanced Composition with Mrs. Allen. The papers were massive! But her class prepared me for college more than any class I’ve ever taken.”




Amanda Ruda: “[After high school] I want to go to UNL for the first few years. Eventually I would like to be a pediatric oncology nurse.”




Tabetha Sprunk: “Though I had a lot of interesting teachers, Mr. Willey stands out. I can’t remember a single time when he shut down any kids opinions or told them that their interpretation was wrong.”






Tiffany Hall: “[After high school] I’m going to Nebraska Wesleyan to study Vocal Music Education. I’m going to focus on Opera and Musical theatre.”