Make your ‘Bowl super

     Are you one of the nearly 43 million people planning to host a super bowl party this year? (Sorry New England fans.) Maybe you can find some inspiration in your fellow North Platte High School student’s enthusiasm for Super Bowl 50. Junior Trevon Weaver says he has been a Carolina fan since he can remember. He could not pass up the chance to have a party of his own this year, with his favorite player Cam Newton leading the Panthers into battle. When it comes to the party, “Make sure you have a good mix of people who like football and people who don’t, so that everyone will be entertained,” Weaver said, “I’m extremely competitive that’s why I’m having my own party with a few friends.” Some parties might have fans from both sides, but Weaver is too competitive for that; therefore no Broncos fans will be allowed. “If Carolina wins I won’t know what to do. I will probably light my house on fire or something,” he said, “If Carolina loses I will literally cry.” Weaver says his favorite super bowl snack is wings.
“At least my team made the playoffs,” senior David Mata says when his friends talk about the Broncos getting blown out. They did more than just make the playoffs, and Mata says he is excited that the Broncos are in the super bowl, but he won’t be content until they win. He has been a fan since he can remember and is looking forward to watching (and hopefully celebrating) this big event with family. Just like Weaver’s party, Mata says there will not be any fans of the opposite team present. “It gets pretty competitive, lots of screaming and yelling,” Mata said. They have yet to break a TV, or any other furniture, though. Should the Broncos lose, Mata said he will be avoiding Carolina fans for a while, but should they win he will try his best to be humble about it. He said his tip for a good party is good food, wings, chips, dip, etc.
For senior Justin Henry, Super Bowl sunday is always a big weekend regardless of who’s playing, since his birthday falls on Feb. 6th. He began the tradition of celebrating his birthday and the biggest day in football together with friends and family in 2010. He has kept it going through the years even though his team doesn’t often make postseason appearances. “My favorite part about it is being around my friends. It’s great to be around people you like and watch your favorite sport,” Henry said. To spice up the competitive atmosphere at his party they have a “jackpot” where people can put in money, and then enter their score predictions. The person with the closest prediction gets all the money at the end of the game. “I think the Broncos are going to get killed, and I think it’s going to be an embarrassment to their organization…again,” Henry said.
Although Mata and Weaver may not agree on much regarding Super Bowl 50, one thing they can agree on is that wings are a must have for Super Bowl Sunday. If you want this year’s party to be a smash, or need some comfort food after your team takes a beating; NPHS English teacher Mr. Willey has got your back, with his world famous wings that are sure to bring you home a win.