The North Platte High School musical department pulled something different out of the hat this year, showing just how rotten they could be. This year’s musical was Disney’s Descendants, which was performed March 14-17 in the Performing Arts Center.

The show was directed by Leah Purdy, assisted by Brittany McDaniel. The directors chose this musical because this year they were looking for something completely different. They have done some pretty heavy shows in the past few years, Purdy said, whether it be technically or emotionally, and they were ready to do something that was “just pure fun.”
“Musicals have a way of making you feel every single emotion while telling a story,” she said, “and always (make you feel) like your life is a little better for having watched the show.”
She has always known that musicals would be a part of her life.
“I just got really lucky to have a job like this,” Purdy said.
The main characters in Descendants are Mal, played by senior Haylee Nolda, Ben, played by junior Phinehas Wiezorek, Maleficent, played by sophomore Addisyn Purdy, Evie, played by sophomore Naomi Dekleva, Carlos, played by senior Noah Short, and Jay, played by senior Levi Luenenborg.
The musical was about four villain kids who are given a chance that their parents didn’t get. Along with that, the theme is that you don’t have to be who your parents are and you don’t have to be what your parents want you to be.
Purdy said the hardest thing about the musical this year was that the cast was full of students who are new to taking on large roles, so in a lot of ways they were starting from scratch. One goal Purdy had this year for the musical was for the students to grow as actors and actresses, musicians and human beings, all while having fun and creating lifelong memories.
In addition to her goal, Purdy is super proud of the kids and all of their hard work.
“There is a lot of negativity about high school kids these days, but I’m here to tell you that if these kids are in charge of the world when they are adults, we are going to be just fine,” she said.