The band’s back in the stands

UPDATE: The North Platte High School Pep Band has also returned to basketball games

Jonathan Dekleva, Editor-In-Chief

With basketball games opening up and allowing students to attend, this also means that the school’s pep band is back to cheer on the teams.

Senior Jack Bunger has been a member of the NPHS Band all year, and says that there are a few COVID restrictions for the band. “You have to wear a mask whenever you are practicing,” says Bunger. “Apparently, our big band room is too small, we have to [practice on] the stage,” he said.

The NPHS Pep Band at the Wrestling celebration on February 22. (Jonathan Dekleva)

However, these restrictions didn’t stop the band from being able to participate during basketball games and having fun. “It’s just fun being able to be there with everybody,” senior Stefano Cassara says. 

Senior Matthew Jacobs says that the best part of pep band is the camaraderie that occurs during the times they play. “My favorite part is the livelihood… we have, and the love that goes into the music we play,” he said.