Bulldogs boys, girls start winter sports

Editor’s note: The Bulldogger will introduce all musical clubs at NPHS at a later date. We have not forgotten you!

RaeLynn McKinzie

Junior Jace Kennel, right, and assistant wrestling coach Rory Little wrestle during an open mat day in November.

Staff report

onditioning and practice this month and started their first contests during the last week of November. Here’s a look into winter sports at North Platte High School: 

Swim and Dive 

The head coach of Swim & Dive is Brian Janke. 

“The main goal for the season is to always improve our times and scores,” he said. “Record breakers are always good. 

“We also strive to qualify the most athletes to the state swim/dive meet as possible,” he added. 

With the recent pool reconstruction it is going to make it “…legal and legit to compete and especially practice,” Jahnke said. This is good news for the NPHS Swim & Dive team.

Boys’ Basketball 

Reserve boys gather for practice in late November. (Sawyer Davis-Magnuson)

The head coach for boys’ basketball is Matt Kaminski. 

He highlighted River Johnston, Carter Kelley, Caleb Kinkaid, Daniel Shea for being returning letter winners. 

“[We hope to] get off to a faster start earlier this year,” Kaminski said. “Play our best basketball as a team in February.”

Girls’ Basketball

The head coach for girls’ basketball is Tyson Hammond. 

“Our goal is to be the best team we can be by the time we get to the end, and we get into districts,” Hammond said. 

Macie Freeze, Jayden Ouderkirk, Emily Hansen, Clancy Brown and Ellie Blakely are the current starting players.

“There’s so many things you don’t have control of throughout a season that we don’t really worry too much about the wins and losses part of things,” Hammond said. “It’s always about just trying to make sure we’re the best team we can be.

Boys’ Wrestling 

The head coach for wrestling is Dale Hall. 

“We just want to be able to improve on a weekly basis and be ready for the state tournament or districts and hopefully get a bunch of guys to the state tournament,” Hall said.

Girls’ Wrestling

This is the first year for girls’ wrestling at NPHS. Co-coaches for girls’ wrestling are Cheryl Hall and Karen Malmkar. 

“I feel like it’s going to be a sport that is going to be very positive for the high school,” Cheryl said.