Who does what?

Addressing stereotypical gender roles in today’s society

Who does what?

Feminism: noun- the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.

The concept of feminism has always been a slippery slope, and recently, it has become even more so. Many people are turned away by those who call themselves feminists and use that title to imply that women should be treated superiorly to men. Those who do stand for gender equality are often afraid to call themselves feminists because they want to fight superiority, not be lumped into a group trying to obtain it with violence and radical actions. Based on the clear cut definition of feminism, it is about gender equality; it does not condone gender superiority on either end of the spectrum.
In order to gain a wider perspective on the issue and how students feel about it, I randomly surveyed 32 North Platte High School students, male and female, from all grades. We asked them the question, “Would you consider yourself a feminist?” and had them answer honestly.

“I know girls who classify themselves as feminists and believe in things I definitely don’t believe in, but I believe in equal rights for women,” said sophomore Karsyn Buttler. Originally, 26 of the 32 students (81%) answered “no.” However, after we gave them the official Merriam Webster Dictionary definition and discussed the fact that women rioting and acting radically to be treated as superior to men is not true feminism, many opinions changed. After the discussion occurred, 75% of surveyed students said that according to the clear cut definition, they were, in fact feminists. “If everyone treated it as the real definition describes it, I guess maybe this whole country could be,” said senior DJ Songster.

There are many aspects of gender inequality in the political and economic realms, let’s make it a little simpler and focus on the social realm. In America, there are a number of double standards faced by both male and female populations, specifically in the young adult age group. Often these standards are overlooked as just “how things are,” but in reality, they are a serious representation of gender inequality in the social realm. Addressing these standards is the first step we can take as a generation toward gender equality.



-Men are expected to pay every time when they go out with a girl.

-They are expected to meet physical standards in terms of height, strength, etc. For instance, they are often described as “not ideal” if shorter than 5’7”.

-When men cry or express other intense emotions, they are labeled as weak.They are expected to work in order to provide for the family, but the concept of a stay at home dad is extremely looked down upon by society.

-If men are “beat by a girl” in terms of speed or strength, they are considered pathetic, when in reality, maybe that woman is more active than others.



-Women are expected to wear desirable clothes, but if they show “too much” skin, are often called dirty names and faulted if they are victims of sexual assault. If they show “too little” skin, women are judged for being too reserved.

-Women are told they “look better natural,” but are always asked if they’re sick or tired when their face isn’t made up as normal. If a woman wears a lot of makeup, she might be told she “looks like a clown.”

-A woman is expected to have the “ideal body shape” including a thin waist and curves but if she has too many, she’s called fat. If she has “too few,” she is called “boyish” or unhealthy.

-A woman is expected to be intelligent, but if her opinion comes off too strong or blunt, she’s criticized for being vulgar and not “ladylike.”