Crush them to Smith-erines

Biggest Challenge: It used to be keeping a good attitude when it was hard. Now, it’s not getting stressed out.
Biggest Success: I made varsity and I’m our second player. A small accomplishment was hitting an eagle once.
Biggest hope for the season: I hope I can be happy with how I shot, not necessarily my score, but with how I shot, after the majority of the meets this season. For the team, I hope the new girls can come out of their shell and learn more.
What motivates you: Getting to play a lot of different courses for free and skipping school.
How long have you played: I’ve really been playing for four years, but I’ve known how since I could hold a club.
Why did you start: My dad is a hardcore golfer. He probably loves it more than he loves me.
Favorite team memory: All the bus rides are a blast, all the girls are fun, but [on] one ride last year, we all started singing and being really hyper.
Celebrity crush: Josh Hutcherson. He’s pretty yummy.
What’s on your playlist: Lots of Hannah Montana, but I don’t listen to as much music as the average Joe.
Fact about you that people don’t know: I wear my earbuds backwards. It sounds louder, and doesn’t blow out my eardrums, which in turn helps everyone else, so they don’t have to listen to my terrible taste in music.
Favorite Athlete: Jordan Spieth. He’s awesome. He’s a beast. He should’ve won The Masters, and that’s a fact.
Spirit Animal: Lightning bug. They’re chill, and they do their own thing.
Guilty pleasure: I consume my weight in junk food every day. I like salt and vinegar chips and pop. I drink anywhere from 3-7 pops a day.