Rantboy about the Antboy

The Ryeview

Not to be confused with the pretty decent Marvel movie, Ant-Man, Antboy is a movie with a boring premise and an even more boring lead character. Pelle Norman, the main character we’re supposed to like, gets bitten by a special ant that gives him all the abilities of an ant, such as sticky hands, acidic pee-pee, and a stronger sense of smell. His power fades if he doesn’t eat sugar so that’s basically his kryptonite.
The weird thing is, the cinematography is pretty okay. The camera operator knew what they were doing when making this polished turd of a film. At first I thought the movie had a sound delay that off-synced everyone’s speech, but it turns out that this movie is dubbed in English. This was originally recorded in Danish.
The ant that bit Pelle was created by Dr. Gæmelkrå, who becomes the villain known as the Flea. This guy was fired from his job at some medical research facility right when he found a breakthrough treatment for his mother’s sickness. His mother didn’t get the treatment enough, so she died, and he started studying fleas to treat his arthritis. Dr. Gæmelkrå was bitten by one of the super fleas he created, and gets super powers by being injected with blood.
So this guy’s big evil plot is to get the CEO of the company that fired him to step down from power by kidnapping his youngest daughter, who just so happens to be the third-grade crush of Pelle McAntboy. He tracks her down with his sense of smell and finds himself trapped in this middle-aged man who wears a bug costume’s basement. The only reason he survived is because his friend Wilhelm called the police.
Antboy becomes Can’tboy and loses his self confidence. He gives up being a hero for about ten minutes, until the Flea attacks the school that he goes to and causes a big ol’ ruckus. He then steals Wilhelm and runs off to the woods.
I noticed a pattern of kid stealing in this movie. It made me uncomfortable when the main nemesis of this old greasy man with arthritis is some 12-year-old chubby-cheeked goober who tinkles an alkaline stream. At one point during this atrocity, he threatens to drain the blood out of the girl he kidnapped. This movie seemed to be just one creepy time after another. I give it a 4/10.